Marta Lopes Ferreira Soares

DJ, Percussionist, Producer

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Marta Lopes Ferreira Soares, AKA Marta Supernova, is a Brazilian visual and sound artist, DJ, producer and percussionist based in Rio de Janeiro. Through research focused on matters of Black diasporic cultures in Brazil, she has nurtured a large network of cross-disciplinary Black collaborators in her many creative efforts, focusing on how Afro-Amerindians, American-Africans, Afro-Latinxs and LGBTQIAAP+ communities build alternative ways in this hegemonic paradigm. The corporeal and materialization of her poetics goes through many medias and experimentations: from community, educational agency and care practices, to political conceptions, objects, musics and questioning.  A rising artist with a growing collection of accomplishments, Marta has performed as a DJ/producer in several celebrated stages such as Rock in Rio and Novas Frequências. As a painter, she was recently a fellow of the prestigious visual arts residency program Pivô Arte e Pesquisa. Also a skilled percussionist, she has played in Salgueiro and Estácio de Sá, two of the most renowned samba schools in Rio de Janeiro.