Gardika Gigih’s piece ‘Mimpi Owa’ was the winner in the Composed Sound category of the BBC Sound Awards 2022

Alumni Gardika Gigih Pradipta is the winner of the Composed with Sound Category of the BBC sounds of the Year Award.

When Gardika was asked about the composition he said “This composition is my collaboration with the Javanese Gibbons in Petungkriyono Forest, Central Java, Indonesia as a reflection on the relationship between nature and us in current climate crisis. In August last year, I and friends from Tanijiwo and Musik Sekitar visited the SwaraOwa researcher community in Petungkriyono. We were lucky to meet a group of Javanese gibbons calling to each others. I recorded this magical sounds with a handy recorder. Later, I composed this music, elaborated the soundscape recording of Javanese gibbons, eagles, cicadas and other forest sounds with Sundanese zhiter and basing pacing, a traditional reed instrument from Sulawesi.”

Listen to and find out more about the winning entries on our website: